Tag: Learn

Magical Myths and Legends

These slides are about Myths and Legends, I Read or listened to the texts and had to answer questions revolving the Myth Story. For the 1st Create task we got options what random myth we wanna make up so I did why Snakes have no legs. For the 2nd Create task I Summarised The myth of Daedalus and Icarus. Do you believe Myths and Legends? Have you heard a Myth from your family? Have you written a Myth?

Artworks Performances

After Morning tea the whole school got into their lines and headed under Te Kapua to see the other classrooms performances.  Team 5 dance group showed off their intense dance moves and Team 4 had shown their mask on stage.  Team 3 performed shadow puppets, team 2 also showed a dance.  Lastly team 1 sang with the screen presenting their artsy crafts.  Do you like art? Are you an artist? Do you love to dance and sing? After the Presentations there still was an expo, our teachers leaded us to the hall where all the art was set up and songwriting groups songs were heard.

Commonwealth Games!

My Literacy Classroom’s task was to learn about the commonwealth games, My Teacher gave us information to make it easier and answer some questions, she even gave us an Create task (the last slide is my create task), I’ve only just learnt about the Commonwealth Games and it sounds awesome!.  Do you know what Common Wealth games are about? Would you want to play? Do you like sports?.