In Maths class we started learning how to measure mass. we had to get into groups, my Group’s first rotation was Capacity 2, Where you had to pour water in 2 containers that were different, one cup shaped and one rectangle shaped. (you can see the picture on the 4th slide). Do you like Mass? Do you know what Capacity is?
Then my Group’s second rotation was Mass Scale it was an small scale and we had to weight 3 things as seen on the 2nd slide, I weighted hand sanitiser, TV remote and a book so the mass’s were 140, 130, 160 in that order. Do you use a Mass scale? What 3 things would you scale?
After that my Group had Capacity rotation 1 which was pouring water into cups or measuring cups, if we wanted to measure a teaspoon we used a tiny syringe. The capacity of one cup is 250L, a plastic cup is 200L and a teaspoon is 4ml (you can see on the 3rd slide). Do you use measuring cups? Did you know these stuff?
That is all for this blog post have a colourful day!