Tag: Task

Magical Myths and Legends

These slides are about Myths and Legends, I Read or listened to the texts and had to answer questions revolving the Myth Story. For the 1st Create task we got options what random myth we wanna make up so I did why Snakes have no legs. For the 2nd Create task I Summarised The myth of Daedalus and Icarus. Do you believe Myths and Legends? Have you heard a Myth from your family? Have you written a Myth?

The Hunger Games Writing Task

For Literacy our classroom is focusing on targeted audience who were writing for or what audience would read such text and In this slide we summarised a text about hunger games, the questions were “What happens in the extract?” “Who do you think should read the text?”. Have you seen Hunger Games? Is this accurate? Do you like Hunger Games?

Important Speeches

Our team has started working on speech’s as well as the power or tone of these type of speeches, first we went off to read Lou Gehrig’s speech then Nelson Mandela’s speech.  Gehrig’s speech is about his last words to the people who were inspired by his skills or who helped him build his way up since he had a health condition making him unable to play sports.  Nelson’s Speech is about equality between races how one shouldn’t be more dominant than the rest and how dedicated he was for a better change even if it ended up in him not living.

Little Story (This is Just to say)

This was a quick task from Literacy Class, What we had to do was make our own versions of “This Is Just To Say” by William Carlos Williams in 1883-1963, We tell a story from when we were little and change it to look like Williams.  Do you have interesting Baby/Toddler Stories?

Commonwealth Games!

My Literacy Classroom’s task was to learn about the commonwealth games, My Teacher gave us information to make it easier and answer some questions, she even gave us an Create task (the last slide is my create task), I’ve only just learnt about the Commonwealth Games and it sounds awesome!.  Do you know what Common Wealth games are about? Would you want to play? Do you like sports?.

Personification in Poety

In Literacy today we were given the task to learn about personification in poetry, we even learnt about “The Rose That Grew From Concrete” by Tupac Shakur, we found out that it has a deeper meaning. have you heard about this poetry? do you know personification? do you like personification? why do you think authors use it?

Blogging Quality

On this Rainy and Sunny day we had to educate ourselves in how to make a satisfying quality blog post that pop out, We Learnt that we need to make attention attracting titles, put labels that relate to the topic and a description that makes sense and will inspire others to explore this/your post.  On this presentation we had an example of what a good quality post should look like and next slide was us helping the person named John also make a nice looking post so it’s not basic and plain.  Is there anything you think I should fix up? Do you put these things in your posts? Or do you put different things in your posts?